My friend Dee send me e-mail with a bunch of photos of "retiree" bumper stickers. This is one of my favorites.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Jackson and a New Truck
Friday, January 30, 2009

If you are familiar with the book by Betty Edwards "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain", you will recognize this drawing by Picasso, which is one of the exercises in the book. I found this in one of my old sketchbooks. I drew the figure upside down, and it still amazes me how problems in drawing are so much easier to spot when you view it upside down. Drawing things upside down is a wonderful exercise, and I need to do it often. You can literally feel the "change" in your brain.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Bad Color in Photos
So here are Vicky's paintings again. Much nicer color.


Here is Conley working on his latest painting. He does such beautiful detailed work. He has promised to demonstrate to us next week how he uses a spray bottle to do his skies and background.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Art Day
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cold and Windy Tuesday

This is my mother's watch. I don't know how old it is. The "chain" was included in the photo just because. It is not the band. It is such a pretty and dainty looking watch.

Monday, January 26, 2009
New Snow
I have been enjoying Cristy's portraits so much!
I had forgotten all about these portraits I did of first graders years ago. I'm not sure why these two are still in my old sketchbook, as I sent them all home with kids. I would choose one student a week, have them "sit" for a portrait while their classmates draw them. Then each student would write something about the model, and we put everything up on a bulletin board. I know I drew quick sketches of the student, but have no idea what became of them. I probably threw them away. These drawings were done from photographs I took. I wish I had not thrown away the sketches.
The new heater I bought for the downstairs bedroom worked very well. It has lots of settings, as well as a timer. It is nice to be able to put Kasey in there for a nap - where she's not distracted by things, including a cat who wants to play with her.
Sunday, January 25, 2009

This is obviously a well-used sketch book. It is held together with duct tape. It says "Take Me Along", and I did. It has been to a few workshops, and is also the sketchbook I used when I started working through Betty Edward's book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain".
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Barrie and Kasey arrived this morning just as I got up (late, as usual). I tried reading another book and discovered I had read it before. So I went to bed fairly early. I was awake at 2:00. I got up and took some Tylanol PM, just in time for the cat to feel frisky and start to play with her bell balls. I did go sound asleep after a bit, and didn't get up until 10:30!
Barrie decided to just hang out instead of going out to run dogs. I cleaned up the kitchen, and made a pot of potato soup. Kasey took a good nap in the back bedroom away from the cat. I just got a new electric heater for back there. I think it is probably more energy efficient and safer than the old one that was put in the wall years ago. I remember Lynn saying some friends loaned her some when their furnace didn't work, and I decided to try one. My back bedrooms were built on a slab of concrete, and there is no way to vent the furnace back there. I usually just keep a heavy curtain across the opening in the winter.
I finally have all the ornaments boxed up for the basement. I repaired the skis on the little wooden penguins, and found the last of the little balls behind the couch. In the meantime, the cat had knocked the box of balls off the table and broke four of them.
Really searched hard for missing things today. Started out with Kasey's juice cup missing, and we found it after Barrie had brought in the new one she just bought. Then I found the missing ornament, then found the little wooden hammer for the pounding bench, then one stacking ring and the ball that goes on the top. We are still missing two stacking rings.
Friday, January 23, 2009

Tonight I got all my old sketchbooks out and looked through them. There are about 12 of them. A pretty interesting trip back into the past! So be prepared to be bored with scans or photos of some of the pages! My drawing skills were better in the past than they are now, and I think it is because I did so much more drawing and sketching.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I worked on this painting yesterday in art group at Rendezvous Pointe. It is pretty close to completion. I am rather pleased with how the elk turned out - they're not perfect, but I have not painted many elk before. Especially just a couple inches high!
I will try to finish this today, and compose another one. I think I would like it better with soft subdued mountains in the background instead of that big hillside.
I have so many sketchbooks around, some of them are really old, and none of them are full! Sometimes I look through them, just to see what I have done in the past. It is pretty interesting. I found this drawing I did - an attempt to copy a drawing Albrecht Durer did of his mother. I wonder if his mother ever saw it, and if she hit him if she did! It's an excellent drawing, but surely she wasn't THAT ugly!
Lynn's applesauce and apple pie sure looked good. Several years ago, a neighbor of my brother at Riverton had a couple of apple trees that were loaded. I don't know what kind of apples they were, not the kind you polish on your sleeve and eat. They were kind of small, and tart. I ended up with a lot of them. I canned some, made applesauce, froze some in slices, dehydrated some, and made a couple of pies. I found a recipe for apple pie filling (canned) that was delicious. I think I canned about 7 quarts for pies. Lynn mentioned how tiring it was peeling and slicing all those apples. After I did all my apples, I saw a hand cranked apple peeling machine advertised. I wonder how it worked.
I bet it took me more than two weeks to get through all those apples. I don't do that anymore!
I put all the apple peelings out in my back yard, and the next day there were several deer there eating them. Later, I took a bag to my mom's house in Riverton, and picked up a bunch of crab apples off her lawn. The deer enjoyed them too.
I am so envious of all the things Judi and Rolli are seeing. The old missions are so beautiful and so interesting.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009
Kat just discovered my screen saver yesterday. She acts interested, but doesn't get too excited about the fish.
Saturday, January 17, 2009

The cat had a very traumatic night last night. I went to bed fairly early, and woke up about 2:30 this morning. I could hear her crying. I came downstairs and found her shut in between the dining room door and the screen door. Poor thing! She had to have been in there 6 or 7 hours. She was sure glad to get out - purred and rubbed on my legs.
This morning, it appears she has thought it over, and has decided to get even with me. She has done everything naughty she can think of. I just caught her dragging my cell phone across the living room floor by its little loop handle. It was on the dining room table. Maybe I should kick her outside for a while.
I am still looking for one stacking ring and the round top for Kasey's toy. And the hammer for her peg pounding bench. I have gone through the computer room waste basket and the bathroom waste basket. I have looked under everything, including couch and chair cushions. I still have one bag of garbage to go through, which is a possibility. It is an empty cat food sack that I use for glass and other items that I don't put in the compactor. It's all clean - nothing gross in it. Kasey put one of her books in it once. During my searching, I have found a few pens and a lens cap.
The tree is finally in its bag and ready to go to the basement. The ornament box needs some organizing and getting things fit in better. And I am still hopeful I will find a few more oraments. I found two in Kasey's basket of toys this morning while I was searching for the missing items.
The batteries in my cordless mouse died this morning. No indication they were getting low like it usually does, it just died. The cursor made a slow spiral descent to the bottom of the screen. I had never seen that before! It looked like a duck that had been shot out of the sky.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Here is the next drawing subject for me. I went out to photograph the old barn and buildings on Hittle's place years ago, and found this little guy laying down in the corral by the barn. Hittles were branding a ways up the road. Either they missed this calf, or decided he was too young and would catch him later. I hope he inspires me to do a good drawing. I have started it, but am not very far along yet.
I told them to watch for a big white truck and fifth wheeler from County 23 Wyoming, Hank and Deb. But with the thousands of people gathered there, I doubt if you will connect with each other.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Knitting Socks
I bought this little kit (so cute, couldn't resist it) at Knit on Purl in Jackson. It was a small basket with six balls of yarn in it, a colored photo, and a pattern book. The patterns are quite detailed with charts for numerous designs, and also illustrations and instructions to embroidery designs, novelty stitches and edgings. The pattern has directions for six sizes, from infant to men XL. They are knit with a set of four double pointed needles. Not for beginners, and at times I felt I had bit off more than I could chew.
I only made one pair. They ended up too large, but it really doesn't matter. The yarn is tapestry yarn, not washable, and probably would have holes after one wearing! I've thought about buying some good quality sock yarn in bright colors and making some more.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kat is becoming more mellow every day, at least at times. She still suddenly attacks anything near her, including me or Kasey, but is spending more time being relaxed and friendly. Barrie held her in her lap and petted her this afternoon, and actually got her front toenails trimmed without her even fussing.

Here is one sock I made for Kasey - the other is about half way done. She seems to like it and I think it fits, so we will see how it goes to wear a pair all day. This yarn would stripe better on an adult sized sock. Also, the colors are not the most attractive. I have used other self striping sock yarn with beautiful shades of blues, tans, etc. but this yarn is far from beautiful.
The planned power outage this afternoon was actually kind of pleasant, not too cold, and quiet and peaceful. I got some reading done. And the power was back on before they said it would be. I'm sure glad we didn't have the problem they had in Utah where the two hour outage lasted 2 days for some of them!
If you haven't checked out Cristy's blog lately, you should. You'll find a link to it in my sidebar. She has been doing a very challenging "portrait a day" activity. She also is showcasing some of her students' recent work. Look at her "Rainbow of Chaos" link in the sidebar of her page.
Dee C joined our painting group at Rendezvous Pointe today. Fun to have her! Dee and I taught together for years. She had started a watercolor class earlier this year, and seemed frustrated by it. I think she will enjoy the fact that we sometimes laugh a lot, visit more than we paint, and that everyonein our group is so helpful. There are some very talented artists in our little group, and everyone is so supportive of the others. I have learned so much from each and every one of them!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Finished Buffalo Drawing
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some of his work is a little too much for my tastes, like too much background, and too much detail in the background. But his animal drawings are magnificant. He uses a lot of interesting techniques, like embossing, drawing with his eraser, etc.If you are interested, Google Mike Sibley and you can see his work.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Whole Lotta Nuthin"

I took a photography class in Jackson from Teton Science School once. It was wonderful! This is one of the photos I took.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Propane Heat
I will include a note of thanks and appreciation when I send a check. I have run out of propane once every winter for the last several years, and it stresses me out to even think about it, especially when the weather has been 20 or so degrees below zero.
OK, Warm for a while!!
Enjoyed our art group so much this morning! Pam is back from Hawaiil, at least for a while. And it was good to visit with Vicky, Terry, Conley and Barbara again.
I have started a pair of socks for Kasey (again). I knit one sock that was too small. The next one I started ended up on the living room floor with the cat having the yarn, and Kasey had the knitting needles. I don't even know if Kasey will be able to wear hand knit socks. I didn't knit socks when my girls were little, so have no comparison.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tuesday January 6
I have been getting a whiff of propane the last couple of days, which is a pretty sure sign the tank is low. I called them this morning and the lady promised the truck would fill my tank today. I have run out of propane at least once every winter for several years now. It is not fun to wait for the propane truck in your pajamas and winter coat at midnight.
Since I replied to that mail, I have received at least four emails from different customer service reps telling me the amount of the purchase has been refunded.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I left the gas log stove on low in my upstairs room all night, and it was 66 degrees up there this morning. I'm glad I left it on.
Here are three pictures Tracy sent. The first is of Tracy starting down the sled hill, the second is Paul on his new sled, and the third is of Melita's daughter, Leslie and her little girl Kendall.
Tracy resizes her photos before she emails them, so you can't look at them any larger.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Saturday - Kasey overnight

She ate a huge breakfast - her egg and half of mine, her ham and half of mine, her piece of toast and half of mine. She drank a cup of milk, and then started on some grape juice.
After playing a while, she began to do irritating things, like taking down the glass frames with photos of ancestors from the shelf of the hutch. Then she threw some of her tea set on the floor and wouldn't pick them up. When she finally picked one up, I asked her to put it on the table, she looked at me and threw it. After I "helped" her put on the table, I decided Grandma was tired, so Kasey needed a nap.