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Living on the Edge. I thought maybe her feet would slip and give me a real "action" photo.
The barn wood part of this painting is finished! It was my second try, and I ended up being happy with it. That old lantern was on a shelf in my garage for many years (as a piece of junk). Now it is on a shelf in my dining room as a "collectible".
Lance Mackey arrived in Nome this morning to win the Iditarod. Barrie and I watched a live streaming video of it on the computer. It was fun to watch him come in and see how he interacts with his dogs. He still had 15 healthy happy dogs in his team (they all start with 16). Some of the mushers have as few as 10 dogs now.
I got curious about the dropped dogs today and did some research on it. I remember they used to take dogs to the prison in Anchorage where inmates cared for them, but it seems they don't do that any more. Eash musher has to complete forms which designate a person who lives within 1 hour of Anchorage to pick up the dropped dog. The dogs are picked up by small planes at the checkpoint where they have been dropped, and flown to McGrath. In McGrath, a commercial plane picks them up and flies them to Anchorage. If they are far into the race, the dogs will be flown to Nome, where they are cared for until their team arrives.
The amount of planning and organization to put this race on is mind boggling - both on the part of the people who put it on, and the mushers.
The usual ones were at art group today - Vicky, Conley, Terry, Barbara and me. And as usual, it was a pleasant time. We all got some work done, and of course a lot of visiting.
I have found why FedEx is no longer delivering packages to my door. Seems they have a new program called "FedEx Smart Post", and some packages are delivered to the post office for the postal service to deliver with our mail. I order from Dick Blick frequently, and they tell me what I need to do is fill out the little box for "special delivery instructions" to tell them to deliver it by regular Fed Ex.