Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Hot Cakes for Breakfast

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Barrie made hotcakes and bacon for breakfast this morning. Kasey helped stir the pancake batter. She was sure dragging when she got home last night, but seems to feel much better today.

Barrie went out to run her dogs early this morning. I got up at 9:00 and heard Kasey kind of singing and talking to herself, and didn't even know Barrie was gone. Barrie was home soon and got her up. Barrie had come up early, before daylight, and turned the baby monitor on by my bed. But it had turned just far enough to the wall that I never noticedd the little red light was on.

Barrie took a video from the seat of the four wheeler while she was running the team this morning. It about made me dizzy, but was really pretty good. Kasey loved watching the dogs run, and is really ready for her ride. Barrie has to find a helmet for her first.

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