I tried starting a new book last night, but couldn't get into it. So I decided to continue in the futile attempt to clean and unclutter my house. This is my rope basket. I think it was made by a guy in Riverton. It has been in the living room, full of three year old photography magazines, and covered with a pile of Kasey's toys. I have most of the magazines in the pickup ready to recyle. Now I am going through all the art magazines I have upstairs.
I will keep some, but most of them will go to the art room at Rendezvous Pointe, where people can borrow them, keep them, or tear pages out of them.
I am always amazed at the silly and useless research is being done by someone. Our grovernment probably, or at least paid for by government grants. Here is one of the latest:
People who
give in to racism and prejudice may simply
be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.
research finds that children with low intelligence
are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults.
This is one of those things we all know without having someone do a study on it. People who are racists and predujiced are dumb. Just saying.
Is Barrie mushing with the racers?
No, Barrie hasn't entered the Stage Stop for two years now. Very expensive to do.
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