Friday, May 2, 2014


I'm not sure how I ever knit whole sweaters, as slow as it goes.  I worked on this yesterday while listening to two hours worth of songs by Tom T. Hall.  Mindless knitting is the perfect activity for listening to him.  Every song he sings is a story, and you need to listen to the lyrics.

The lawn outside my window is looking great. It's been mowed once, and yesterday they used the big power rake on it.  It's not totally greened up yet, but I'm sure the sprinklers will be turned on soon. 
I'm feeling a little punk today.  Nothing specific, just feeling kind of tired.  I'm sure it's nothing a good book and a nap won't cure.

I always laugh when I see someone trying to open a door by pushing when they should be pulling.  And I always hope no one is looking when I do it!

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