I was up and down the stairs at the house three times. Then when I got ready to leave, I found I had left my glasses somewhere in the house. So I made yet another trip up and down two flights of stairs.
Barrie said Jeremy's house wasn't very big. It looks big to me - there are two couches in the living room, a recliner chair, two big dog kennels, and a monster dog -- and it doesn't even look crowded.
A very irritating bird was outside my window yesterday. He didn't sing, he didn't chirp, he just had a sharp, shrill whistle. And he whistled all day long. I sure hope he doesn't come back today.
I brought some gluten free wheat flour, hoping I could make something my sister-in-law can eat while they're here. I'm not sure how it's going to work. Sounds like I need to add some chemical to it? Guess I'll do some research on it today.
I get tired just reading about all those flights of stairs! I am really so over stairs.
When Barrie went through Toston THIS time, did she have any dogs in your truck? I seem to recall that you did when you made the trip. Could be the difference??
Yes, she had two dogs in the back in kennels. I guess the dogs just didn't happen to be out and around.
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